ADA Access Plan

ADA POLICY STATEMENT It is the policy of the ChildrenSong of New Jersey (the “Organization”) to welcome vocalists, staff, Board members, volunteers, and audience members of all abilities to take part in its programs and activities. The following ADA Access Plan was approved by the ChildrenSong of New Jersey’s Board. This ADA Access Plan is effective as of October 17, 2021. This plan will be reviewed annually and amended and/or updated as needed. A copy of this ADA Access Plan will be made available to all vocalists, Staff, Board members and audience members and published on the Organization’s website. Updates to the ADA Access Plan will be announced to the participants of the Organization, if and/or when appropriate.

POLICIES AND MANAGEMENT 1. The Organization will reasonably accommodate individuals with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. Special arrangements will be made on an as-needed basis to ensure that this policy goal is met. 2. The Organization will not discriminate on the basis of disability against individuals who desire to become vocalists, or who are vocalists, Board members, staff, volunteers, and/or other participants in the Organization’s programs and activities. 3. The Organization will post this ADA Access Plan on its website and will periodically provide information in public announcements regarding accessibility accommodations of performance venues. 4. The Organization will make reasonable efforts and/or use its best efforts to advocate for accessibility policies and measures at performance and rehearsal venues with which it interacts. 5. All accessibility concerns shall be directed to the Organization’s Board members via email and/or telephone, said contact information being available on the Organization’s website.

PROGRAMS, ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES 1. For general performances, rehearsals and meetings, the Organization will use spaces that are accessible for people with physical disabilities, taking reasonable consideration of parking, entrances, seating and restroom areas. 2. If and when on tour and/or performing in spaces or at venues not controlled by the Organization, the Organization will use its best efforts to work with the promoter and/or host to strive to hold performances in spaces accessible to people of varying physical abilities and/or to accommodate individuals with disabilities. However, see Limitation, below. 3. The Organization will educate its staff and volunteers on best practices for welcoming and providing hospitality and assistance to persons with disabilities, including, but not limited to, those in wheelchairs, using walkers, using canes, or others with obvious mobility challenges. 4. Upon request within ten (10) days notice of a performance, event and/or activity, the Organization will use best efforts to make its printed information (i.e.: concert programs, music, meeting minutes, etc.) available in alternative/large print to those who request such accommodation. 5. Upon request within thirty (30) days notice, a sign language interpreter (ASL or ESL) shall be available to interpret concerts and/or performances. Interpreted performance dates will be at the discretion of the Organization and may require designated seating. Interpretation may not be available at all performances and/or events (see Limitation section below). 6. Upon request, the Organization will make reasonable efforts to provide assisted listening devices and/or make other accommodations for audience members with hearing challenges—on a first-come-first-serve basis. Listening devices may not be available at all performances and/or events (see Limitation section below). 7. The Organization shall provide seating to those performers who are unable to stand for extended periods of time during performances. Such performers may require designated seating and/or placement, which is at the discretion of the Organization. 8. The Organization will make reasonable efforts and use best efforts to assist vocalists who require additional reasonable accommodations to perform, on an as-needed basis and at the Organization’s discretion. 9. The Organization shall have available for its use a first-aid emergency kit at performances and rehearsals.

LIMITATIONS The Organization is a children’s choir. Individuals are invited to participate in the choir, sometimes upon audition only. On occasion, not all individuals that seek to join the Organization are invited to participate as vocalists in the Organization. An invitation to participate in the Organization is based on the vocal music ability of the individual, and at the Organization’s discretion. The Organization is a choir that tours on occasion and sometimes performs at various venues that may have unique accessibility challenges, for vocalists and/or audience members. There may be occasions when travel and/or performance settings may limit participation by individuals with disabilities and/or limit the benefit individuals with disabilities receive from the program and/or performance of the Organization. Moreover, the Organization may not in all instances by able to ensure that all performance spaces and/or venues are easily accessible to people with varying physical abilities. By way of example only, the Organization has performed in historic structures, at festivals, fairs, and/or abroad in other countries where it may be difficult to accommodate individuals with disabilities. In those instances, to the extent possible, the Organization will make reasonable accommodations and use best efforts to allow all of its vocalists, including those with disabilities, to perform and receive the full benefit of the Organization. The Organization is committed to with working together with individual vocalists (and their families) to make reasonable accommodations and use best efforts consistent with the policies set forth above.

Adopted: October 17, 2021